Analele Universității din Oradea. Fascicula Chimie (AUOFC) is a scientific journal, formed in 1995. AUOFC is publishing original contributions in the field of general multidisciplinary chemistry.
AUOFC journal was last accredited by the National Council of Scientific Research in Higher Education from Romania, CNCSIS C in 2010.
To submit a manuscript to the AUOFC authors are kindly asked to send the manuscripts in DOC format to, according to the template. As the double-blinded peer-review process is completed authors will be announced about the status of their submission, about the reviewers comments and suggested changes for the paper in order to be published. Papers will be published only after receiving the copyright transfer form, signed by the corresponding author.
Publishing House name/address: Editura Universităţii din Oradea, Universitatea din Oradea, Str. Universităţii Nr. 1, 410087, Oradea, Bihor, Romania
- Print ISSN 1224-7626
- Tel.: 00-40-259-408132
- Place of publishing: Oradea, Romania
- Year of the first issue: 1995
- Releasing frequency: 1 issue / year
- Language: English
- Subscrition fees: no fees.
- Indexing:
Chemical Abastract Service-CAS Source Index (CASSI) | Academic Research Index- ResearchBib |